魏毅 正高级实验师 专业硕士研究生导师
联系方式:wyziyu@syau.edu.cn 电话: 13159603729 微信: wyziyu2020
·1997/09-2000/07, 山东农业大学,植物保护学院,硕士
·1989/09-1993/07, 山东农业大学,园艺科学与工程学院,学士
·2020.07-至今, 沈阳农业大学,植物保护学院,正高级实验师
·2007/01-2020.06, 吉林大学,植物科学学院,高级实验师
·1998/08-2006/12, 山东棉花研究中心,副研究员
·1993/08-1995/08, 山东兰陵县园林所,助理研究员
一、 代表性论文和著作(﹟为共同第一作者,*为通讯作者 ):
1. Yuan Meng , Yi Wei , Meng Jin , Yanli Zhang , Shihong Zhang * .2024.Straw degradation enhanced in Thermomyces lanuginosus by transferring AgCMCase from Aspergillus glaucus. Bioresource Technology . DOI:10.1016/j.biortech.131431.( JCR分区: 一区,IF=9.7)
2. Wajjiha BATOOL, Justice NORVIENYEKU, YI Wei1, WANG Zong-hua, ZHANG Shi-Hong*, LIN Li-li*. 2024.Disruption of non-classically secreted protein (MoMtp) compromised conidiation, stress homeostasis, and pathogenesis of Magnaporthe oryzae. Journal of Integrative Agriculture. 23(8): 2686–2702(JCR分区: 一区, IF=4.8)
3. Xiaoning Fan, Penghui Zhang , Wajjiha Batool , Chang Liu , Yan Hu , Yi Wei , Zhengquan He and Shi-Hong Zhang * . 2023.Contribution of the Tyrosinase (MoTyr) to Melanin Synthesis,Conidiogenesis, Appressorium Development, and Pathogenicity in Magnaporthe oryzae.Journal of Fungi. 9,311.(JCR分区: 一区, IF=4.7)
4. Wajjiha Batool, Chang Liu, Xiaoning Fan, Penghui Zhang, Yan Hu, Yi Wei and Shi-Hong Zhang*.2022.AGC/AKT Protein Kinase SCH9 Is Critical to Pathogenic Development and Over wintering Survival in Magnaporthe oryzae. Journal of Fungi. 8, 810.(JCR分区: 一区, IF=5.7)
5. Yuejia Dang, Yi Wei, Wajjiha Batool, Xicen Sun, Xiaoqian Li and Shi-Hong Zhang*.2022. Contribution of the mitochondrial carbonic anhydrase (MoCA1) to conidiogenesis and pathogenesis in Magnaporthe oryzae. Frontiers In Microbiology.13: 845570.( JCR分区: 一区,IF=6.0)
6. Penghui Zhang, Zhenyu Fang, Yanyue Song, Shaowei Wang, Lina Bao, Mingyu Liu,Yuejia Dang, Yi Wei* and Shi-Hong Zhang*.2022. Aspartate transaminase AST2 involved in sporulation and necrotrophic pathogenesis in the hemibiotrophs Magnaporthe oryzae and Colletotrichum graminicola. Frontiers In Microbiology .13: 864866.( JCR分区: 一区, IF=6.0)
7. Dang Y, Wei Y, Zhang P, Liu X, Li X, Wang S, Liang H, Zhang SH*. 2021. The Bicarbonate Transporter (MoAE4) Localized on Both Cytomembrane and Tonoplast Promotes Pathogenesis in Magnaporthe oryzae. Journal of Fungi, 7(11):955. ( JCR分区: 一区, IF=5.816).
8. Wang S, Liang H, Wei Y, Zhang P, Dang Y, Li G, Zhang SH*. 2021. Alternative Splicing of MoPTEN Is Important for Growth and Pathogenesis in Magnaporthe oryzae. Frontiers in Microbiology. 12:715773.(JCR分区: 一区, IF=5.64.).
9. Dang Y, Wei Y, Wang Y, Liu S, Julia C, Zhang SH*. 2021. Cleavage of PrePL by Lon promotes growth and pathogenesis in Magnaporthe oryzae. Environmental Microbiology. 23(9):4881-4895. (JCR分区: 一区, IF=5.491).
10. Liu S, Wei Y, Zhang SH*. 2020. The C3HC type Zinc-Finger Protein (ZFC3) interacting with Lon/MAP1 is important for mitochondrial gene regulation, infection hypha development and longevity of Magnaporthe oryzae. BMC Microbiology. 20:23.( JCR分区: 二区, IF= 3.0).
11. Chen L, Wei Y, Shi M, Li Z, Zhang SH*. 2020. Statistical optimization of a cellulase from Aspergillus glaucus CCHA for hydrolyzing corn and rice straw by RSM to enhance yield of reducing sugar. Biotechnology Letters. 42:583–595. ( JCR分区: 二区, IF= 3.2).
12. Xie XL, Yang H, Chen LN, Wei Y*, Zhang SH*. 2018. ANXC7 is a Mitochondrion-Localized Annexin Involved in Controlling Conidium Development and Oxidative Resistance in the Thermophilic Fungus Thermomyces Lanuginosus. Frontiers in Microbiology. (JCR分区: 一区, IF=4.02).
13. Wei Y, Zhang SH*. 2018. Abiostress resistance and cellulose degradation abilities of haloalkaliphilic fungi: applications for saline-alkaline remediation. Extremophiles. 22: 155–164.
14. Cui X﹟, Wei Y﹟, Wang YH, Li J, Wong FL, Zheng YJ, Yan H, Liu SS, Liu JL, Jia BL, Zhang SH. 2015. Proteins interacting with mitochondrial ATP-dependent Lon protease (MAP1) in Magnaporthe oryzae are involved in rice blast disease. Mol Plant Pathol. 16(8):847-59. ( JCR分区: 一区, IF= 4.72).
15. 陈丽娜,谢修鸿,魏毅* .2020.应用原位扫描电镜技术检测“土壤-真菌”改良盐碱地的效果. 东北师大学报(自然科学版).52:123-126.
1. Beneficial Microorganisms in Agriculture. Springer Nature. 2022.
Chapter 11:Wei Yi, Zhang Ziyu, Huang Yuqian, Ram Prasad, Zhang Shi-Hong*.2022. Extreme microorganisms for sustainable agriculture.
Chapter 12:Wei Yi, Zhang Ziyu, Li Feng-Lan, Zhang Shi-Hong*. 2022.Molecular basis of stress tolerant genes in extreme microorganisms.
Chapter 13:Wei Yi, Zhang Ziyu, Yu Shujun, Liang Hao, Ali Noman, Zhang Shi-Hong*. 2022.Cellulose degradation microorganisms and environmental friendly solution to the agricultural waste management.
2. Yi Wei, Ziyu Zhang, Zhugang Li, Yu Li,Shi-Hong Zhang*. 2021.Applications of Marine-Derived Fungi: Biocontrol, Cellwall Degradation and Soil Remediation. in Marine Microbial Bioremediation (1st ed.). Chapter 2:Vala, A.K., Dudhagara, D.R., & Dave, B.P. (Eds.). Science Publishers CRC Press, USA. DOI: 10.1201/9781003001072-2.
3. Wei Yi and Zhang Shi-Hong*.2019.《Fungi in extreme environments: Ecological and biotechnological significance》,Chapter 4: Haloalkaliphilic fungi and their roles in the treatment of saline-alkali soil;;Sonia Tiquia-Arashiro & Martin Grube(edit-in-chief).Springer Publishers. 2019.7.23 ISBN:978-3-030-19029-3.
4. Yi Wei, Li-Na Chen, Zi-Yu Zhang, Chi Zhu, Shi-Hong Zhang*.2018.《Approaches in Bioremediation: The New Era of Environmental Microbiology and Nanobiotechnology》, Chapter 14:Fungal nanoparticles formed in saline environments are conducive to soil health and remediation; Ram Prasad & Elisabet Aranda(eds). Springer International Publishing AG. ISBN_978-3-030-02368-3.
1. 魏毅,唐紫琪,张舒涵,巩志远.2022.一种抗盐碱赭曲霉菌株W1及其菌剂用. ZL 2019 1 0659129.6
2. 张世宏,王少伟,魏毅,张鹏辉,梁昊,李桂华.2022.稻瘟菌MoPTEN基因及其应用. ZL2021 1 0176760.8
3. 张世宏,李桂华,魏毅,李柱刚,胡文俊,李兰慧.2022. 一种防治水稻稻瘟病的嗜根寡养单胞菌S11及其应用
4. 张世宏,梁月,于术军,魏毅,李凤兰,李柱刚,刘庆玉,冯艳忠.2022. 一种利用沼液制备的微生物生根剂及其制备方法. ZL 2021 1 1319900.9
5. 张世宏,李正群,魏毅,陈丽娜,张鑫生,宋妍悦. 2021. 一种源于嗜热古菌的多糖水解酶基因及应用. ZL 2016 1 1092226.4
6. 张世宏,李正群,魏毅,陈丽娜,刘少帅,周晓阳,宋妍悦.2019. 一种源于极端抗盐碱曲霉的纤维素酶基因及应用. ZL 2016 1 0005024.5
张世宏, 魏毅, 于术军, 李凤兰, 李桂华, 耿丽娟, 李柱刚, 林汉明. 2022.《极端环境真菌的分离、培养、保藏和应用技术指南》. T/CI 160-2022
二、 主持和参加科研课题(近五年)
1. 辽宁省种质创新“藏粮于技”专项计划项目子课题: 2023-2026,主,
2. 国家自然基金面上项目:,2016-2020,主持
3. 沈阳农业大学引进人才项目:2020-2025,主持
4. 国家重点研发计划(课题):2024-2027,参加
5. 国家自然基金区域创新发展联合基金重点支持项目:2023-2026,参加
6. 辽宁省“揭榜挂帅”成果转化项目:2022-2025,参加
7. 兴辽英才”计划-领军人才项目:2023-2026,参加
三、 获奖与成果