安梦楠 副教授 博士生导师
办公地点:植保学科楼 312室
联系方式:Email: anmengnan@syau.edu.cn 电话:13082454210
· 2009/04-2012/03,日本京都大学,植物病理学,博士
· 2007/04-2009/03,日本京都大学,植物病理学,硕士
· 2003/04-2007/03,日本京都大学,农学-资源生物学,学士
· 2012/11-2020/10,沈阳农业大学,植物保护学院,讲师
· 2020/11 至今,沈阳农业大学,植物保护学院,副教授
2022/12 破格晋升博士生导师
一、 发表论文(近五年,*为通讯作者,Q中科院分区 ):
1. Yu, M., Liu, H., Wang, Y., Zhou, S., Ding, X., Xia, Z., An, M*., Wu, Y*. 2024. Synthesis, anti-TMV activities, and action mechanisms of a novel cytidine peptide compound. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry. 72,20783-20793.(SCI Q1: 6.0)
2. Li, X., Li, Y., Liu, H., Liu, D., Xu, C., Yan, M., Zhang, C., Zhang, C., Xia, Z., An, M*., Wu, Y*. 2024. Identification of host gene regulation and resistance pathway dynamics at diverse infection stages of Rhizoctonia solani AG3-TB. Physiologia Plantarum. 176,e14475.(SCI Q2: 5.6)
3. Liu, H., Yu, M., Guo, L., Zhou, S., Wang, Y., Xia, Z., Wang, Z., Song, B., An, M*., Wu, Y*. 2024. Unveiling novel anti-viral mechanisms of e-poly-L-lysine on tobacco mosaic virus-infected Nicotiana tabacum through microRNA and transcriptome sequencing. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules. 268,131628.(SCI Q1: 7.7)
4. Shu, J., Cao, K., Fei, C., Dai, H., Li, Y., Cao, Y., Zhou, T., Yu, M., Xia, Z., An, M*., Wu, Y*. 2024. Antiviral mechanisms of anisomycin produced by Streptomyces albulus SN40 on potato virus Y. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry. 72, 3506-3519.(SCI Q1: 6.0)
5. Wang, Y., Guo, Y., Guo, S., Qi, L., Li, B., Jiang, L., Xu, C., An, M*., Wu, Y*. 2024.RNA interference-based exogenous double-stranded RNAs confer resistance to Rhizoctonia solani AG-3 on Nicotiana tabacum. Pest Management Science. 80, 2170-2178.(SCI Q1: 4.3)
6. Yu, M., Liu, H., Guo, L., Zhou, T., Shan, Y., Xia, Z., Li, X., An, M*., Wu, Y*. 2022. Antiviral modes of action of the novel compound GLY-15 containing pyrimidine heterocycle and moroxydine skeleton against tobacco mosaic virus. Pest Management Science. 78,5259-5270.(SCI Q1: 4.3)
7. Zhou, T., Liu, H., Huang, Y., Wang, Z., Shan, Y., Yue, Y., Xia, Z., Liang, Y., An, M*., Wu, Y*. 2021. ε-poly-L-lysine affects the vegetative growth, pathogenicity and expression regulation of necrotrophic pathogen Sclerotinia sclerotiorum and Botrytis cinerea. Journal of Fungi. 7,821.(SCI Q1: 4.5)
8. Liu, H., Zhao, X., Yu, M., Meng, L., Zhou, T., Shan, Y., Liu, X., Xia, Z., An, M*., Wu, Y*., 2021. Transcriptomic and functional analyses indicate novel anti-viral mode of actions on Tobacco mosaic virus of a microbial natural product ε‑poly‑L‑lysine. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry. 69,2076-2086.(SCI Q1: 6.0)
9. Yu, M., Bi, X., Huang, Y., Chen, Y., Wang, J., Zhang, R., Lei, Y., Xia, Z., An, M*., Wu, Y*., 2020. Chimeric tobamoviruses with coat protein exchanges modulate symptom expression and defence responses in Nicotiana tabacum. Frontiers in Microbiology. 11,587005.(SCI Q2: 5.1)
10. Guo, Y., Dong, Y., Xu, C., Xie, Q., Xie Y, Xia, Z., An, M*., Wu, Y*., 2020. Novel combined biological antiviral agents Cytosinpeptidemycin and Chitosan oligosaccharide induced host resistance and changed movement protein subcellular localization of tobacco mosaic virus. Pesticide Biochemistry and Physiology. 164, 40-46.(SCI Q1: 4.6)
11. Liu, H., Chen, J., Xia, Z., An, M*., Wu, Y*., 2020. Effects of epsilon-poly-l-lysine on vegetative growth, pathogenicity and gene expression of Alternaria alternata infecting Nicotiana tabacum. Pesticide Biochemistry and Physiology. 163, 147-153.(SCI Q1: 4.6)
12. An, M., Tong, Z., Ding, C., Wang, Z., Sun, H., Xia, Z., Qi, M., Wu, Y., Liang, Y*., 2019. Molecular characterization of the thaumatin-like protein PR-NP24 in tomato fruits. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry. 67, 13001-13009.(SCI Q1: 6.0)
13. An, M., Zhao, X., Zhou, T., Wang, G., Xia, Z*., Wu, Y*., 2019. A Novel Biological Agent Cytosinpeptidemycin inhibited the pathogenesis of tobacco mosaic virus by inducing host resistance and stress response. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry. 67, 7738-7747.(SCI Q1: 6.0)
14. An, M., Li, R., Gao, W., Bi, X., Liang, Y., Xia, Z*., Wu, Y*., 2019. First report of peanut mottle virus infecting peanut in northeast China. Plant Disease. 378-379.(SCI Q2: 4.8)
15. An, M., Zhou, T., Guo, Y., Zhao, X*., Wu, Y*., 2019. Molecular regulation of host defense responses mediated by biological anti-TMV agent Ningnanmycin. Viruses. 11, 1-14(SCI Q2: 4.0)
16. Chen, J., Liu, H., Xia, Z., Zhao, X., Wu, Y*., An, M*., 2019. Purification and structural analysis of the effective anti-TMV compound epsilon-Poly-l-lysine produced by Streptomyces ahygroscopicus. Molecules. 24. (SCI Q2: 4.6)
17. Yu, M., Liu, H., Zheng, H., Yan, F., Zhao, X., Xia, Z., An, M*., Wu, Y*., 2019. Viral sequences required for efficient viral infection differ between two Chinese pepper mild mottle virus isolates. Virus Research. 267, 9-15. (SCI Q3: 3.2)
1. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,基于无细胞体外体系和活性蛋白质谱技术的天然产物ε-聚赖氨酸抑制烟草花叶病毒的作用(32072391),2021.1.-2024.12,主持
2. 国家自然科学基金青年基金,基于BYL in vitro体系的抗病毒生物药剂分子作用机理研究(31401710),2015.1.-2017.12,主持
3. 国家重点研发计划,中美农作物病虫害生物防治关键技术创新合作研究(2017YFE0104900),2018.1.-2020.12,课题级主持
4. 国家重点研发计划,茄科蔬菜根腐病生防菌筛选与生物炭复合防控技术研究与应用(2023YFD1401203-1-6),2024.1.-2027.12,子课题主持
5. 辽宁省教育厅科技创新团队项目 抗番茄黄化曲叶病毒及番茄斑萎病毒活性化合物筛选及作用机制解析(JYTYB2024001),2024.1.-2026.12,主持
6. 河南省农科院烟草研究所重点实验室开放课题,烟草黑胫病/根腐病高效生防菌活性物质及作用机理研究,2022.1.-2023.12,主持
1. “新型抗病毒生物农药嘧肽霉素的研发与应用”获得中国植物保护学会科学研究类二等奖 (排名第三)
2. 入选沈阳农业大学天柱山学者培养计划 2023
3. 入选辽宁省第十二批百千万人才工程万人层次 2018